Happy GABV Day – #BankingOnValues

Heute ist GABV #BankingOnValuesDay! Mach mit, verändere die Welt und wähle eine sozial ökologische Bank. Das ist gut für Dich und gut für unsere Welt. Unterstützt uns!

2009 war die GLS Bank Mitgründer der Global Alliance for Banking on Values ( GABV ). Über 25 Banken aus aller Welt, die allesamt Nachhaltigkeit in den Kern ihrer Geschäftsmodelle integrierten, haben sich zusammengeschlossen, um gemeinsam die Entwicklung einer sozial, ökologisch und ökonomisch nachhaltigeren und erfolgreicheren Alternative des akut kränkelnden globalen Finanzmarktes voranzutreiben. Jedes Jahr im Oktober wollen wir gemeinsam auf die GABV und deren Wirken aufmerksam machen.

Happy GABV #BankingOnValues Day

Mach mit! Downloade Dir einfach das >>GABV Schild als PDF<<, ausschneiden, Foto machen und in den sozialen Netzwerken wie Twitter oder facebook, mit dem Hashtag #BankingOnValues hochladen.

Einigen GLS Kollegen haben schon mitgemacht. Weitere Informationen zur GABV.

Happy GABV Day - #BankingOnValues 2016
The Global Alliance for Banking on Values (GABV) is a network of banking leaders from around the world committed to advancing positive change in the banking sector. Our collective goal is to change the banking system so that it is more transparent, supports economic, social and environmental sustainability, and is composed of a diverse range of banking institutions serving the real economy.

Founded in 2009, we are a growing network, with banks, banking cooperatives and credit unions, microfinance institutions and community development banks joining us from many parts of the world.

Our members have one thing in common: a shared mission to use finance to deliver sustainable economic, social and environmental development, with a focus on helping individuals fulfil their potential and build stronger communities.

Our members are deeply connected to the people and the communities they serve and are accountable for the risks they both take and create for the people who use their products and services. Our focus on inclusion puts basic banking products in service of a greater number of people, rather than highly sophisticated products in the hands of a few. We are also highly aware of the externalities produced by our banking activities by the projects and clients we finance.

The Global Alliance comprises 36 financial institutions and four strategic partners operating in countries across Asia, Africa, Australia, Latin America, North America and Europe. Collectively we serve more than 24 million customers, hold up to $110 billion USD of combined assets under management, and we are supported by more than 42,000 co-workers.

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Eine Antwort zu „Happy GABV Day – #BankingOnValues“

  1. Avatar von Marcel Herrman
    Marcel Herrman


    Super Sache! Ich wäre gerne dabei gewesen aber A – es zu spät gelesen und B – nutze ich keine Sozial Medias.

    Grüße aus der Lausitz

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